Ethan received his Master of Fine Arts degree in Technical Direction from Northern Illinois University in December of 2020.
Graduate coursework:
Advanced Drafting (AutoCAD), 2 units
Automation and Stage Machinery, 2 units
Business of Theatre
Electronic Visualization (3DS Max)
Final Project - Final Project Documentation available here.
Internship in the Arts
Performance and Production Practicum, 5 units
Rendering Techniques
Rigging for the Performing Arts
Script Lab
Script Lab: Visual Interpretation
Structural Design for the Stage
Technology Studio, 6 units
Graduate Teaching Assistant:
Technical Drawing for the Theatre
Rigging for the Performing Arts
Structural Design for the Stage
Ethan received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drama - Design/Technology from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in May of 2015.
Coursework Included:
Classical and Medieval Theatre History
Computer Aided Design for the Stage (Vectorworks)
Costume Design I
Costume Technology
Directed Study: Model Making
Directed Study: Scene Design
Directed Study: Teaching Assistant
Directing I
Intro to Theatrical Design
Lighting Design II
Make-up Design
Modern and Contemporary Theatre History
Properties Design
Renaissance–Romanticism: Theatre History
Scene Design I, II
Scene Painting
Scene Shop Practicum, 2 units
Script Analysis
Senior Project: Technical Direction
Stage Lighting
Stage Management
Technical Production
Theatre Practicum, 6 units
Theatrical Rendering
Theatrical Sound Design
Some examples of past classwork are available here.